Quitter of the Month: Lupita Aguilar

Lupita’s professional, statuesque beauty and demeanor stand solid as a fortress. She’s a woman who works hard and knows what she stands for, and she is married with two precious daughters. Her polished marble exterior protects what was once a heart of stone, now replaced with a softened heart of flesh that loves passionately.

“We all have our testimonies,” she says. “Some a little darker than others.”

Lupita doesn’t recall any conversations about sex or abortion during her formative years. It wasn’t until she was in high school that she first heard the word ‘abortion’ with a brief definition. “I heard the word, but not what it is,” she recalls. “I remember thinking, ‘That’s killing a baby.’ But I never gave it any thought after that.”

Nor did Lupita know that it was possible to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. She was raised in the Catholic Church, but her understanding of who Jesus was through the words and actions of others was that He was merely punitive – someone to keep her in line.

“I was taught in Spanish,” she said. But something was lost in the translation. “God doesn’t love me. He just wants to punish me all the time.”

She became cold inside; not unloving but hardened.

This exoskeleton would be her self-protection in her marriage, which started with some difficulties, and ultimately what got her through three and a half years working as an ultrasound tech at an abortion clinic.

While working toward her ultrasound tech license, she needed two years’ experience to sit for her board exams. With neither the license nor experience, she couldn’t find a job. Finding herself at a stalemate, she responded to an ad on Craigslist for a “women’s health clinic” that required neither.

At the end of her phone interview with the California clinic, the hiring manager casually asked, “By the way, this is an abortion clinic. Are you okay with that?”

Desperately needing the job, Lupita answered without hesitation. “Yeah, that’s fine,” she replied.

Later that night, she told her husband about the new job. He was unsure, vocalizing that it’s not something they agree with nor would ever do, but in the end, he said he had her back.

For the rest of the week until the in-person interview, Lupita saw pro-life advertisements everywhere: on buses, bus stops, benches, everywhere.

She didn’t believe in God. She was already so cold. But even then, she wondered…

“Is God telling me something?”

She pushed those thoughts aside and nailed the interview. She was hired immediately.

Day one would be a shock. She was hired at first for only one day a week: surgical procedure day. Not knowing about the protesters outside, she called the clinic to see if there was a back door entrance for staff in their hot pink scrubs that couldn’t be missed on the sidewalk.

“Oh no, honey. You gotta come through the front door just like everybody else,” said the receptionist.

Before entering the building, an older woman stopped her. She commented about how she was new here and said she could help her get a job elsewhere.

“If you can get me a job,” Lupita replied, “I’ll gladly interview and work somewhere else.”

The woman got her an interview at a nearby pregnancy resource center. Lupita went to the interview, but they couldn’t hire her without an ultrasound tech license.

The pregnancy center wouldn’t hire any unlicensed staff. But that standard didn’t matter to the abortion clinic, so she went back to the clinic.

Lupita was trained to assist in ultrasound-guided abortion procedures. At first, she was excited to be in the surgery room, but then she started seeing babies on the screen who were farther along for dilation and evacuation (D&E) procedures. Women would come to the clinic the day prior to their procedures to have laminaria (seaweed sticks) inserted to dilate the cervix.

She recalls seeing the expansion of the laminaria in proportion to the size of the babies.

At the time, in the middle of a turbulent marriage, Lupita easily justified her participation in these procedures. In the cold darkness of that season, she did not value her own life. “This world sucks,”she thought.

“Who even wants to be here?”

“Who wants to actually live here?”

“It’s best that this baby is not alive and not born into this cruel world.”

She had so many intrusive thoughts while working at the abortion clinic; seeds that had been planted early in childhood that were now sprouting bad fruit.

Lupita guided the doctor’s instruments with the ultrasound probe for the next three and a half years, herself guided by her own wounds. Her numbness left her fazed by nothing; nothing was too gruesome. She would have stayed longer, but circumstances led to her termination from the clinic.

“And the Lord knew how dark and evil my heart was that I literally would not have left,” she says.

God used the situation to draw her closer to Him. She gave her life to Christ two months after she was fired.

Even then, it took about four years for Lupita to finally face the reality that abortion ended lives. And not just “lives,” but God’s children, whom He intended to be here in this world for a reason.

“I was participating in a demonic ritual,” she concluded. “I needed that time to process everything.”

After her job at the clinic ended, Lupita, now fully licensed and with experience, went to work at a combined family practice and pregnancy resource center not far from the abortion clinic.

“I was working for the doctor who developed the abortion pill reversal protocol,” she said. “And I remember talking to one of my managers and wondered, ‘Is abortion really that bad? Why? Why bring a child into this world if it’s not a priority for the mom to give her a good life? Isn’t it better if they just die?’”

After working at the family practice for two years, Lupita began working remotely during lockdown. It was then that she began learning about deliverance.

“The Lord literally was teaching me so much about Deliverance during that time when I was working remotely,” she recalls, “and at first, I remember I was thinking, ‘oh my gosh, this is scary. Like do we really have all these demons?’ Suddenly, I just had this urge: I need a deliverance.”

“I need a deliverance from everything that I’ve lived through. It was November 1st of 2022 that the spirit of death left me, and I know that spirit came upon me when I was at the at the abortion clinic,” Lupita says. All her senses she ignored or numbed herself to came flooding back, particularly the smell.

“I remembered the stench,” Lupita said. “I don’t know why, but the office manager would arrange to have the fetal remains picked up a week after the procedures. The whole facility reeked like a rotting corpse. The patients would ask what the smell was, and I would say, ‘Oh, it’s probably just the sewer.’”

These recollections on the atmosphere of death revealed how desensitized she had been. That’s when the Lord really started opening her eyes to what abortion truly was, and showing her all the ways in which He had been present when her heart was cold towards Him.

When asked about how she found And Then There Were None, Lupita said she was at a gala for Dr. George Delgado’s abortion pill reversal clinic, where she was working after leaving the abortion industry.

“Abby Johnson was the keynote speaker,” she said. “I tried to speak to her at the end of the night, but she was tired and hurried out the door to go to bed. I said, ‘Okay…well, bye.’”

But a few minutes later, Abby returned. She approached Lupita and said, “I’m sorry. The Holy Spirit sent me back to talk to you.”

They talked for a while, and Abby gave Lupita her phone number.

Abby’s phone number sat on Lupita’s vanity table for a year and a half, until she noticed that every time an abortion-minded patient came into the clinic, she would run out of breath.

“I would be okay on my hour commute home. But I’d return to the clinic in a foul mood. One of my coworkers pointed out that I was experiencing spiritual warfare,” Lupita said.

Her coworker explained what that meant and reminded her to call Abby.

One day during lunch time, Lupita picked up the phone and called her. “What took you so long?” Abby asked.

And that’s where Lupita’s healing from the abortion industry really began, along with other past wounds.

Lupita hadn’t told her mother that she had worked in an abortion clinic, but finally had the courage to share that with her after taking the job with Dr. Delgado.

Her mom was quiet at first but told her that maybe someday she’ll be able to tell her story and help other women who had been in her position.

The following day, she called Lupita, apologizing for not being the mom she needed her to be.

This reconciliation would give them a couple of blessed years as Lupita cared for her mother through her cancer and was by her side at her passing.

“I was there for her last breath,” Lupita remembers. “Just as the Lord breathes life into a newborn, I was there when it withdrew from my mom.”

“That’s God’s breath.”

Lupita recalls a former patient from the abortion clinic with whom she formed a friendship. They participated in a Bible study together, and her friend was pregnant.

“Pay attention to that first breath you hear,” Lupita shared with her. “You’re going to hear God breathing life into her.”

Just like that, God has done so many things brought to full circle for Lupita, including the chance to apologize to her friend for participating in her abortion.

“The Lord is restoring me. I want to share all He’s blessing me with because it’s not just about abortion,” says Lupita. “It’s so much deeper than abortion. Abortion is a side effect; a symptom. I want to start these conversations between kids and their parents that I didn’t have. We’re uprooting generational sin.”

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