Kylie is compassionate, competent, and refreshingly comfortable in her own skin. When making decisions, she takes her time and is quick to give others the benefit of the doubt. In the end, Kylie does the right thing. To Kylie, relationships are extremely important, and she makes them a priority in her life. Unfortunately, as a child Kylie did not have …
Quitter of the Month: Jackie Ackmann
“My parents were good to us,” Jackie said. “We were sheltered in our small town, and my parents worked hard to make our upbringing better than theirs had been.” Topics like abortion were never brought up or discussed in her home. “Things like abortion were a non-issue. I didn’t even know what it was.” When Jackie was 11, her world …
Quitter of the Month: Lupita Aguilar
Lupita’s professional, statuesque beauty and demeanor stand solid as a fortress. She’s a woman who works hard and knows what she stands for, and she is married with two precious daughters. Her polished marble exterior protects what was once a heart of stone, now replaced with a softened heart of flesh that loves passionately. “We all have our testimonies,” she …
Quitter of the Month: Kara Germon
Kara is an upbeat person who wears her compassion on her sleeve. An adventurous spirit, she is quite comfortable in her own company and is happy to venture into the unexpected solo. Following these impulses have brought Kara much excitement and a variety of experiences, and it was also the thing that led her directly into the ever-open arms of …
Quitter of the Month: Shelley Guillory & Caroline Strzesynski – A Tale of Two Quitters
Two women who barely knew each other, living on opposite ends of the country, shared a past in abortion industry work. They never expected the sisterhood that would give them a future. Shelley was a nurse at Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2012. She kept the job a secret from her husband Donald, knowing he would disapprove of …
Quitter of the Month: Pam Barr
I WAS JUST 27 YEARS OLD THE EVENING I walked into my home and faced my husband holding a shot gun pointed at me, with a look of murder in his eyes. His cocaine-addled brain had tormented him into believing that I was out having an affair, one of many he had accused me of, when all I had been …
Quitter of the Month: April Smith
MY HUSBAND AND I HAD BEEN TRYING UNSUCCESSFULLY FOR A THIRD BABY for some months when I began working in the POC (Products of Conception) room at Planned Parenthood in Roanoke, Virginia. The timing of those two things could not have been worse. As anyone who has struggled with infertility knows, when you try month after month and fail to …
Quitter of the Month: Cassandra Southall-Njoku
I GAVE MY LIFE TO CHRIST IN PRISON. I wasn’t guilty of the drug charges brought against me, but I was tangled up in the street life, addicted to opiates, and knew my life was out of control. Helpless to stop it, I committed my own string of crimes, so prison wasn’t entirely unjust. It took three years of my …
Quitter of the Month: Eva Rubalcava
I CONTACTED THE NEARBY PLANNED PARENTHOOD TO INQUIRE ABOUT A JOB because my husband at the time and I had just bought a home. If we were going to afford it, I needed to contribute financially. I made the call even though I was aware of what the organization advocated for, but I figured they helped people. I liked helping …
Quitter of the Month: Takisha Tolbert
I remember the day a baby who was taken from his mother’s womb at 19 weeks and six days was placed in front of me. As I looked at him, his face was serene, and his lips and eyes were closed, giving him the appearance that he’d never had a chance to cry, like I was doing at that very …