WHEN MY MOTHER TOLD ME THAT SHE WANTED OUR FAMILY TO LEAVE Mexico City and cross over to the United States, the idea was unthinkable. As a young woman, I dreamed of being a doctor in Mexico City. Mexico was my home. My mother didn’t see it that way. On several occasions I had been the target of slash-and-go boys …
Quitter of the Month: Barbara Beute
THERE WAS NO LIGHT IN THE WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC WHERE I WORKED—just one; over me. Every other room or hallway in the place was still and dark as night. After hours was a good time for me to get work done, I thought, the kind that builds up after a day of distractions, like chatty coworkers, or vendors coming in …
Quitter of the Month: Janet Brown
IT DIDN’T TAKE LONG FOR ME TO FIGURE OUT that the new job I had just taken at a Planned Parenthood in Missouri was not nearly as defined as I had hoped. In fact, as the new Director of Quality and Risk Management, a position that would seem to warrant some training, I was simply left alone to find my …
Quitter of the Month: Jason Wilson
I ROLLED UP TO THE ADDRESS printed on my itinerary sheet, got out of my truck and walked to the building. Suddenly, I stopped. By the signage and writing on the glass doors, I realized I was about to walk into an abortion clinic. As a relatively new employee for a biomedical waste removal company, I hadn’t had an abortion …
Quitter of the Month: Keysha Lockett
“OH, KEYSHA, NO!” my mother said into the phone when I told her I had just taken a job at Planned Parenthood. “They kill babies!” But Mom really had nothing to worry about. The particular branch where I had just accepted a job didn’t even offer abortions. Their emphasis was on women’s health, and that made me more than a …
Quitter of the Month: Sarita Munoz
“AM I READING THIS CORRECTLY?” THE JUDGE SAID as he reviewed the charges against me. “Miss Munoz is being accused of stealing a sonogram machine?” I didn’t know whether to laugh or scream. I hadn’t yet heard the charges against me, ones that had me turning myself in to police, getting a mug shot and being put in a jail …
Quitter of the Month: Claudia Solitaire
I REMEMBER THE FEELING AS I WALKED OUT OF MY JOB INTERVIEW at a women’s health clinic in Texas; that I was about to join a group of women committed to women’s health. There was an all-for-one feeling running through me and I loved it. Sure, my interviewer mentioned that the clinic did abortions. But she assured me they happened …
Quitter of the Month: Nallely Perez
Looking back now, it is difficult to understand. But when the Planned Parenthood clinic that I worked for advanced me from receptionist to the person whose duties it was to strain for the baby pieces and rinse them off, I was matter-of-fact about it—it didn’t bother me in the least. Planned Parenthood, with their high respect of my skills, good …
Quitter of the Month: Yolunda Davis
I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG the very first moment of my first day. I had a wonderful job as a nurse in Jackson, Louisiana, when I received a call from a friend who worked at an abortion clinic in Baton Rouge. She told me they needed a registered nurse—and that I would be perfect for it. I liked the idea …
Quitter of the Month: Lisa Searle
WHEN THE HIRING MANAGER AT THE GYN CLINIC SLID THE PIECE OF PAPER IN FRONT OF ME suggesting what might be my starting salary, my eyes nearly fell out. They’re going to pay me how much? I had been a nursing student studying to get into Midwifery school, but when I started getting discouraging comments from faculty that achieving my …