
Our team at And Then There Were None is so excited for the opportunity to work with your center. We are seeing more and more current and former abortion clinic workers turn to their local pregnancy centers and prolife medical centers for counsel and care.

We recognize that this may be new territory for you and your center. You may have never had an abortion industry worker walk through your doors.

Our hope is that they will! And we want to be sure that you are equipped to handle such a situation if it does arise.

We put together a list of reminders to help you for when that time comes:

1. The most important thing is to maintain confidentiality.

Many workers reach out to pregnancy centers because they recognize you as a safe place that provides for women considering their pregnancy options. What doesn’t speak “safe” to them is if you break their trust regarding confidentiality.

We ask that you protect the confidentiality of any current or former abortion industry worker by not disclosing ANY information to anyone outside of our organization; this includes other pro-life groups or media outlets. Maintaining confidentiality is of the utmost importance when working with abortion industry workers.

2. Respect potential legality concerns.

It’s human nature to be curious about what goes on behind closed doors, so we understand why you’d want to ask lots of questions.

However, most current abortion clinic workers have signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with their abortion facility. Because of this, it is important that we be careful about the questions we ask. We would specifically request that you not ask questions about activities inside the clinic they work for. If there is something that they need to disclose, we want them to do that under the protection of an attorney (that ATTWN will provide for them at no cost).

And don’t forget if you want to have your questions answered, you can join us for our The Walls are Still Talking webcasts each month to hear from former abortion industry workers. Go to the Thewallsarestilltalking.com for more information. It’s also important to note that we will never require any former worker to speak publically in order to be affiliated with our organization, but many former workers do want to share what they’ve seen firsthand.


3. We all have our specialties.

Of course, it’s in your heart to help others. That’s why you do what you do! And just in the same way that pregnancy centers are the best at helping women who are experiencing unexpected pregnancies, we specialize in helping abortion clinic workers do the same.

We ask that you refer any current or former worker to our ministry directly. Please encourage them to connect with us. We’ve helped over 600 workers leave and find hope and healing. We connect former workers with life-changing resources including:

Financial Assistance
Legal Representation
Employment Opportunities
Licensed Counseling
Spiritual Support
Education Scholarships


4. Be mindful of your communication.

We know you are careful with the language you use around women considering abortion as their next step. We carefully choose our words as well.

Because we do not know the emotional state of this current or former worker, and because we want to respect their human dignity, we ask that you refrain from using words that could be potentially inflammatory or hurtful, such as “kill, murder, abortion mill, slaughter, abortuary, death.”

This is something to keep in mind in general if you’d like to be a refuge for abortion workers to trust you enough to ask for your help to leave their old life.


5. Please allow us to help unpack abortion trauma one step at a time.

We recognize that you probably have connections to some amazing abortion healing resources. Many abortion industry workers have had abortions themselves.

And Then There Were None provides a healing retreat specific to the needs of former abortion clinic workers. We also have licensed counselors on staff. We ask that you not refer them to other abortion healing ministries until we have been able to assess their emotional needs due to the fact that they often have compounded needs because of working in the industry and having an abortion.


6. Keep the circle of trust small so that it’s not broken.

We know that you have a pregnancy center with eager staff and volunteers who would LOVE to love on a former worker, but honestly, the initial attention can be overwhelming and may make the worker feel like retreating, either emotionally or physically.

This transition can be really scary and the more people who are involved in their transition from their old job, the more fear may come into play. They have been trained to not trust prolife people. The more you open that circle to additional people, the harder it is to follow all of these other tips we’ve highlighted so far.

We request that only 1-2 paid staff members of your center handle the encounter with the current or former abortion worker. This is because many volunteers or peer counselors may not be trained to handle such a unique and potentially traumatic situation.


7. May your conversations be filled with grace.

We ask that every encounter that is experienced and every word that is spoken be filled with the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.

We thank you so much for being a safe and welcoming place for these workers. The work you do is invaluable to the cause of life and it is an honor to stand beside you in this fight. God bless you and your work!

All of this information and more can be found in the Clinic Worker Care Packets that we make available to pregnancy centers at no cost. It’s full of information about how our ministry can help them on a journey to healing.

If you use a packet with an abortion industry worker and need another one, please fill out the request form below and we will get another sent out to you immediately.

Our prayer is that you will have a hard time keeping them in stock!

Thank you again for working with us to extend compassion, hope and healing to abortion industry workers, giving them the opportunity to experience the fullness of Christ’s forgiveness, love and mercy.