
As former clinic workers, helping you to heal helps us. Healing doesn’t come overnight, over a few weeks or months, or even years. It’s an ongoing process. We’re with you long-term throughout this process.

We recognize that some people left the abortion industry, years or possibly even decades ago. If this is your situation, we absolutely would still love for you to become a part of “our tribe.”

Our unique experiences have shaped us in ways that have impacted us for years and we would love to help you connect with others with similar experiences to promote healing and foster community. Please know–You are not alone.

We’ve helped over 600 workers with our life-giving services since we began in 2011. You may have experienced some of the same situations that our clients openly discuss here.

If you’re a former abortion industry worker, we’d love to connect with you, too. You may feel like you’re healed from that time in your life. We’d still love to connect. You never know how your story may help another former worker. Reach out to us below!