What do vaccinations, green energy, the fentanyl crisis, human trafficking, and whistleblower protection (or lack thereof) all have in common?
As a former abortion clinic director, Mayra Rodriguez has easily identified the common denominator connecting the dots between all these agendas: abortion.
At the IX Summit of the Americas in June of 2022, Mayra was admitted to the Summit through Real Women of Canada. Very few prolife organizations were admitted, and none from the United States. Several Central and South American countries boycotted the Summit altogether due to the lack of advocacy for life and the push for destructive socialist agendas.
The Summit of the Americas is a convention of heads of state, business and civil society leaders, indigenous community representatives, and organizational leaders to discuss and create plans of action for issues and opportunities faced by people of the Americas, including citizens and residents of North America, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean Islands.
As host country for the IX Summit, the United States chose the theme “Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future” for the event that took place in June 2022 in Los Angeles.
At the heart of sustainability, resiliency, and equitability, the discussion resounded with a massive agenda push for green energy, vaccinations, and access to reproductive healthcare.
We all know what that means. “Reproductive healthcare” equals abortion.
Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year Mayra Rodriguez ran a facility in Arizona and was living the American dream as an immigrant from Mexico until October 3, 2017. The dream turned into a nightmare when a slew of post-abortion complications began stacking up, pointing back to the abortion doctor who also happened to be the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Arizona.
When a baby’s head was unaccounted for in the Products of Conception room, Mayra blew the whistle and demanded a follow-up ultrasound on the post-operative patient. A second procedure had to be performed within 45 minutes of the first, and the patient never knew what had happened to her.
That was enough. Mayra would not have him touch another patient in her facility.
Now the target was Mayra. Narcotics were planted in her desk, and she was wrongfully terminated from her position. She took it to court and won the lawsuit, but the ramifications of being an immigrant and a whistleblower on abortion have been a test of her courage and character. Both have proven to be solid and deeply rooted in her identity.
Now a fully legal citizen and 100% against abortion, Mayra unashamedly shares her experiences of running a Planned Parenthood facility near the border and is the most appropriate spokesperson and representative of the true nature of “reproductive healthcare” for the Americas.
Mayra attended the IX Summit as part of the Social Actors and Civil Society Organizations and participated in multiple discussions including “Health and Resilience in the Americas.” Advocating for pregnant women and unborn children with Human Life International’s drafted document for maternal and fetal care, the discussion was overshadowed by access to abortion and a push for vaccinations.
Abortion has always fueled the market for fetal tissue research, incentivizing a lucrative trade in fetal parts for the abortion industry. Under the United States’ previous administration, fetal tissue research had been restricted due to ethical concerns, but those restrictions were reversed in 2021.
Following the Health and Resilience discussion, Mayra raised her concerns for whistleblower protections and organizational corruption in the “Democratic Governance” discussion group. When Mayra became a public enemy for Planned Parenthood in Arizona by blowing the whistle on unsafe practices, she was made aware of a plot to hand her over to the cartels to be executed across the border. Whistleblower protection did not exist for someone in the abortion industry, especially one so close to the border, and one with pending legal status. Like the unborn, Mayra became a problem to be disposed of quickly.
In fact, Mayra had seen a vast number of young female patients over the span of nearly two decades receive their first dose of fentanyl for their abortion procedures in her facility near the border. It would not be their last dose, as many would seek it out again once the effects wore off. With tens of thousands of fentanyl overdose deaths occurring in recent years, Mayra feels certain that the appetite for the synthetic opioid is first introduced in the abortion procedure room and is a key player in contributing to the crisis.
With her experience as an immigrant, Mayra also brought her concerns to the “Improving Migrants” discussion. The emphasis on helping migrants gain access to abortion again dominated any discussion of access to prenatal, postpartum, and infant care. Mayra addressed labor abuses, human trafficking, and empty promises of assistance to migrants who might truly be seeking asylum but instead are exploited for political gain.
As a prolife woman, Mayra also had something to say in the “Gender Equality and Democracy” discussion. Equality is promoted and demanded—except for prolife women. Mayra pointed out the persecutions that prolife women face when they dissent on the abortion issue.
In the name of sustainability, access to abortion promises an equitable future and resiliency in times of crisis for birthing persons focused on survival. In almost 50 years of legalized abortion in the United States through all nine months of pregnancy under Roe v. Wade, it begs the question: why has abortion not eradicated poverty? Why does the energy battle continue to drastically endanger the survival of our economy? Why are women becoming men, and vice versa, if we have such a solid foundation of gender equality?
Mayra is one of 627 Quitters of the abortion industry who has witnessed the reality on the other side of the abortion agenda. Without a seat at the table in these discussions, women, children, families, and migrants will continue to suffer silently without an advocate and their unborn children will be discarded as medical waste or used as human tissue for research.
The Summit concluded to continue in 2030 with a large push on the agenda for abortion and LGBT rights.