
In 1949, the grieving widow of a post-World War 2 era experimental test pilot crossed the border from California to Mexico for an abortion after losing her husband in a crash. Bereft of her husband and with three little girls and one boy to care for, the thought of another pregnancy sent her over the edge. The procedure was believed to be a “success,” but later after returning home, her doctor confirmed she was still pregnant. Her fourth daughter, Priscilla, was born.

Today, Priscilla is the type of woman who, once she discovers her purpose, pursues it with focused passion and singlemindedness. Her zealous love for God and truth is tempered by the humility of a woman with a past, a sinner saved by grace who desires to spare others the pain of the paths she once walked.

Abortion has been a triple threat in Priscilla’s life, beginning with the attempt on her own life. Priscilla feels that it is likely she had a twin who died that day, but she will never know for sure

“I felt like I was born into the unwelcoming arms of a mother who was deeply grieving the loss of her husband, my biological father,” she said. “It affected me. That abortion attempt traumatized us both. When you don’t feel wanted, loved, and validated, that is a very deep and specific pain.”


Priscilla was unaware that she was an abortion survivor until she was 19 years old and was coerced into having an abortion by her mother.


“I remember after the abortion, I was walking with my mother, and she just told me matter-of-factly that she had also tried to abort me,” Priscilla said. “We never really talked about it after that, but for me, it answered so many questions. Why she didn’t want me, why I never felt her love, why she did not even try to nurture me. Even though she never asked for it, I was eventually able to forgive my mother.”


Priscilla’s childhood trauma caused her to rebel.


“I was using drugs and having sex. I had no idea about the real value or role of my sexuality and was so vulnerable. I sexualized my need for love and acceptance,” Priscilla said.


Priscilla found herself on an abortion table twice between the ages of 19 and 25. Ironically, it was the horrible abortion experiences she endured that pushed her toward the industry.


“When I had my abortions, no one even talked to me. No one told me what to expect,” Priscilla said. “I was utterly alone at this awful place. When I first took the job at the women’s clinic, I felt like I would be helping other women have better experiences. I wanted to hold their hands, tell them exactly what would happen, what they could expect. That’s what drew me.”


Of course, Priscilla wasn’t able to tell women the whole truth when they had questions about their procedures. She recalls one unsure patient asking if she would be killing her baby.


“My co-worker just laughed at the woman’s question and told her that if killing a fly was killing, then yes, she would be killing her baby,” she said. “That always stuck out in my mind.”


During her time as an abortion clinic worker, Priscilla struggled with what she saw. She began to doubt that she was helping women. However, she was so steeped in the deceptive stream of the feminist, free-love culture that she wasn’t able to see the truth clearly.


One day, while driving to work at the clinic, Priscilla was involved in a near-fatal car accident. She remembers clearly seeing a man who she feels was an angel telling her that she would be alright before passing out and waking up much later at the hospital. This accident redirected her path. She accepted an internship in Alaska and left California behind.


“In Alaska, I made more Christian friends for the first time. They would witness to me, and they impacted my life,” Priscilla said. “But I was still deeply wounded from my past, my abortions, and my time in the industry. I became pregnant a third time.”


Some of her friends counseled her to have a third abortion, but this time, Priscilla was resolute.


“When my son was born, I didn’t know Christ, but I knelt down and asked God for help. I knew I needed Him and He set me free that day. I finally found unconditional love and purpose. He changed the whole trajectory of my life. I knew He had saved me in the womb all those years ago, and when I gave myself to Him, I was all in.”


Priscilla has three grown children, and while she struggled as a single parent, she successfully taught and directed the first abstinence education program in California, something she continues to be passionate about.


“The opportunity to teach abstinence was such a glorious thing for me,” she said. “I have so much compassion for those lost and empty kids. I relate to them. I want them to find their way early instead of experience the hardship that comes with years of rebellion like I did.”


Priscilla still had a long way to go to find healing.


“I felt like my entire life, I was captive to abortion. From my mother trying to abort me, to my own two abortions, and then my involvement in the industry itself, it’s like I didn’t understand the worth and value of human life.”


A 12- week post-abortion recovery group ended up being the first step on that arduous path of healing for Priscilla, which was extremely beneficial for her. She heard about Melissa Ohden and the Abortion Survivors Network and knew that she needed to contact them. Due to her unique experience as an abortion survivor, it was difficult to connect with others and discuss that part of her story.


“I contacted Melissa and went through the abortion survivor healing program, and then I became a facilitator myself,” Priscilla said. “I spoke about being a survivor, did interviews, and went on podcasts.”


In 2020 Melissa recommended that she reach out to And Then There Were None to find healing for her time working in the abortion industry.


“I jumped in full bore,” she said. “Since it had been so long, I didn’t think I really needed healing. I thought time heals, but then I went on a retreat. It was so wonderful to meet other ‘Quitters’ and I was helped so much.”


Priscilla urges anyone who is a current or former worker to reach out to And Then There Were None. At first, she was hesitant since she had been out of the clinic for so many years.


“It is never too late to get redemption and healing,” she said. “Please reach out to And Then There Were None if you have been involved in the industry. They love on all of us ‘Quitters’ so well. It is humbling how much they are willing to pour into us and are with us every step.”


Today, Priscilla is a joyful, resilient, active mother of three and grandmother of 11, all who are following the Lord. She has led breakout sessions about being an abortion survivor at the CareNet conference, taken part in the March for Life with other abortion survivors, and will be leading a session at the upcoming Pro-Life Women’s Conference entitled “The NEW Sexual Freedom Revolution.” Despite all the pain and darkness in her past, her zest for life and desire to help others find the source of her joy and healing is clear to all who meet her.


Three times, the enemy tried to destroy Priscilla through abortion: first attempting to snuff out her life the womb, then pitting her against her own unborn children and trying to rob her of motherhood on the abortionist’s table, and finally to blind her to the value of human life as a worker in the industry. However, the grace of God was stronger. Priscilla’s is a story of grace and mercy that God obviously intended to be told, and Priscilla loves to share what He has done in her life.